


An electric bicycle is dangerous but not so much. I would say that dangerous word would be too much to say here. Its harming facts are the same as other traditional bikes. An electric bicycle and a customary bicycle are exceptionally comparable within the extreme. There are only a number of dissimilarities between these bicycles like their electric framework, but an e-bike is considered more perilous than a standard bicycle. DANGERS OF ELECTRIC BIKES An…

Let’s just collate an e-bike with a normal road bike to get the answer to the questions, this would give us a lot of knowledge about e-bikes. Next, we’d continue with some details about how exactly an electric bike looks like? And what’s there in it? Getting started with the body e-bikes, they look very similar to any other normal road bicycle, but they’d just have some extra features. With the same gear systems, it…

If you own an electric bike then it’s not just a vehicle(If you’ve not owned yet, Go and Check out list of best electric bikes under £1000) it’s a part of your daily life. We are living in the future and technology has been improving day by day. An electric bike is the future of bicycle and someone looking to buy a regular bicycle then an e-bike deserves a closer look. It is far better…

Regenerating Braking or commonly referred to “Regen Braking” and is most likely to be seen on battery powered vehicles such as electric cars and requires a direct drive motor. It means the electric motor fitted in your vehicle will slow you down while braking and generate electricity which is then supplied to the battery thus increasing your total battery backup and range. The Regen braking system provided in the electric bike is not as efficient…

An electric bike is simply an upgraded version of a regular bike. You can also say a regular bike is the soul of an electric bike. Both of the bikes share almost the same components such as the frame, pedals, seat, handles, etc and also operates in the same way. The only major difference is the electric bike comes with some added electrical components. The electrical components help gives you to assist while climbing up…